1. Salak (Snake Fruit). Still trying to describe it in my mind. Somewhat sweet, very crunchy, not juicy, a bit of a tang...made me think of an unripened pear.
2. Es Alpukat (Avocado Smoothie sweetened with palm sugar. Like a smoothie, very filling.
4. Peyem (Fermented casava). Mushy, sickly sweet and yes fermented. I'm pretty certain I felt an instant stomach cramp. I just don't see the point
6. Pakis (Sautéed Fern with onions). Delicious! Then I say, why don't we eat this in the U.S.? He says it's a special type of Fern plant. I was ready to go back home and buy a Fern plant and start eating it! LOL!! 🤓

3. Cendol (the C is pronounced like a "CH")
Rice flour with pandan leaves, in coconut milk with palm sugar. Very sweet.
5. Fried tofu and rice. This will one was so easy, however it was an adventure because we bought it, freshly fried, at 4 a.m. by the side of the road and the rice (lontong) was wrapped to go in a banana leaf!!
7. Rujak. Indonesian fruits with chili and palm sugar. Sweet, spicy and fresh. Love, love, love. Trying to get the sauce bottled to bring home.
8. Sawo. Taste like a juicy sweet potato with a ripe Bartlett pear fibrous texture. Has two smooth flat oval black seeds. Very hard to compare to any fruit I've ever eaten.
9. Sekodeng (Hot ginger drink). Contained: nuts, bread, flour balls and gel. As someone who drinks ginger tea at home, I found this drink yummy, yummy, yummy for my tummy, tummy, tummy.
10. Es Campur. Sawo, coconut, gelatin, palm fruits, jack fruit, syrup and ice. Nice, sweet, refreshing desert.